Japan Relief Odds and Ends

Regular readers may recall that for the second half of March, I donated all Paypal profits for copies of Tonoharu sold to the Red Cross, to benefit Japan earthquake/tsunami relief. The promotion ended yesterday. I sold ten books, for a total of $155 going to the Red Cross. My thanks to all those who purchased books during that period!

So that ends that, but I’m still involved in a couple another relief efforts:

1) The JET Alumni Association of Minnesota will be holding a benefit for Japan on Saturday, April 16th at Moto-I Sake Bar in Uptown Minneapolis. All proceeds will go to the JETAA USA Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. All the details can be found here:

2) My friend Adam Pasion is creating a comics/art anthology called Aftershock: Artists Respond to Disaster in Japan, with proceeds going to Japan relief. I’ll be contributing something. I’ll update with more details when I have them, but in the meantime, check out the website:

That’ll do it for now. Peace!

Neat Old Japanese Cartoon

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Here’s a neat old Japanese cartoon my dear friend C.W. Kelly sent to me a while back. Has a very Fleischer-esque feel to it.

*Reminder* Until the end of this month (i.e., for the next seven days), I’m donating the profits from Paypal sales of Tonoharu: Part One and Two to the Red Cross, to help with the earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan. (Details here)

So far I’ve sold five books, with a total of $77.50 donated to the Red Cross (my thanks to those who ordered!). I think it’d be cool to get that total up to at least $100, so if you’ve always wanted a copy of Tonoharu, please consider making that purchase now! Otherwise, please consider donating directly to the charity of your choice. Thanks!

“Tonoharu” in French, Other International Stuff

This is pretty cool: a French translation of Tonoharu: Part One and Two will be published by Le Lezard Noir for release this May! Above is the cover design for the French edition. Some of the translated panels can be found on Le Lezard Noir’s blog:


As previously blogged about, the Tokyo-based magazine Metropolis ran a cover story about Tonoharu last month. Editor James Hatfield was kind enough to send me a copy of the print version, which looks pretty snazzy:

The article can be found online here.


And finally Hashi, a Finnish magazine devoted to Japanese culture, ran a translation of some blog entries I wrote about East Asian calligraphy. It’s an absolutely gorgeous magazine, with a lot of really interesting looking articles; I sure wish I could read Finnish! Thanks to editor Mirja Paatero for translating/including my inane rants!

The original blog entries can be found (in English!) starting here.


*Reminder* Until the end of the month (March 2011), I’m donating the profits from Paypal sales of Tonoharu: Part One and Two to the Red Cross, to help with the earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan. (Details here)

So far I’ve sold four books, with a total of $62 donated to the Red Cross (my thanks to those who ordered!). I think it’d be cool to get that total up to at least $100, so if you’ve always wanted a copy of Tonoharu, please consider making that purchase now! Otherwise, please consider donating directly to the charity of your choice. Thanks!

Support Japan Disaster Relief


As you all know, Japan was recently hit by its worst earthquake since they started keeping formal records a century ago. The places in Japan where I have lived have escaped the worst of the devastation, and I’m happy to say that none of my friends & colleagues have been injured. But it breaks my heart that Japan, a country I consider to be a second home, is hurting so much right now.

As an artist of limited means, I don’t really have the money to make a big donation, so I’ve decided to try something else. For the rest of the month of March, 2011, I will donate all profits from sales of Tonoharu: Part One and Tonoharu: Part Two to the Red Cross. (This offer only applies to orders placed through my website, not books bought in bookstores or at Amazon.com; I don’t have any control over those sales).

Just so this is completely on the up-and-up, here’s a breakdown of where your money would go. (This example is for U.S. orders; international orders will pay more for postage, but the final donation amount will be the same.)

What you pay me: $22.33
Minus Postage, Paypal Transaction Fee, and Book Production Cost: ($2.38, $0.95 & $3.50, respectively)
Equals: $15.50 donated to the Red Cross per book sold.

To order, please visit my store:

Or if my books don’t interest you, please consider donating what you can directly to the charity of your choice.

Book orders have slowed down to a trickle recently so I can’t say how much money I’ll raise, but I figured I’d give it a shot. If you’ve been thinking of buying a copy, now’s the time! Thanks!

Note: My inspiration to do this came from fellow cartoonist/friend Adam Pasion, who is also donating profits from his book sales to charity for the rest of the month. Check out his offer on his website: http://sundogscomix.blogspot.com/

“Tonoharu” in the Park Bugle!

Tonoharu received a nice little write-up in the Park Bugle, a community newspaper. You can read it online here: http://bit.ly/h6KPgx

My thanks to reporter Ruth Weleczki for the thoughtful coverage!

Also a quick reminder: I’ll be doing a book signing here in Minneapolis this Monday, March 7th, 2011. Details here. Come out it you can!


March 11, 2011 UPDATE: No blog entry this week. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in Japan!!