The Kameoka Diaries: Volume Two is now available for just $1!
iBookstore Version (for iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) [ CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW ]
DRM-free PDF (For Android/PC/Mac/Whatever) [ CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW ]
Weighing in at 312 panels, The Kameoka Diaries: Volume Two is 28% longer than Volume One! Here’s a breakdown of the eight main chapters that make up the book, as well as a sample panel from each:
Sickness: A comic about being sick in Japan, including an explanation as to why you often see Japanese people wearing surgical masks.
Closure.: A comic about why it’s easier to end phone calls in English than in Japanese, and why the word “sayonara”, ironically, doesn’t provide closure.
Popee the Performer: Actually, this is the one comic in the collection that’s already available online; you can read it over at So… yeah.
Um… but the e-book version is in HD and includes a new title panel, so there’s that! *Cough*
E-mail from Home: Based on an e-mail from my father about his vile attempt to discard an old mattress, and the brave toddlers who thwarted his plans.
Matsui-san: A comic about perhaps the shyest person I’ve ever met, and his adorable, stalkerish texts. Guest staring everyone’s favorite Wisconsinite Matilda.
Forms of Address: A comic about Japanese forms of address. This comic includes what is certainly the crudest panel in the book (a censored version of which shown below).
Just in case you’re imagining the worst, it’s not THAT bad (it’s on par with “South Park”-style humor). That said, if I could do it over again, I might have gone a different direction. So… yay, I guess? (I wonder if I’m helping or hurting sales by mentioning all this…)
Bars: I prefer Japanese bars to American bars because of one critical difference. What could it be??? Read this comic to find out.
Re-contracting: My fellow English teachers and I have the option to renew our teaching contracts once a year. Which members of the Kameoka crew chose to stay, and which chose to go home?
So those are the main chapters that make up the book. And they can all be yours, in HD, in a smart-phone-friendly format, for just a dollar!
Thanks for the consideration, and if you enjoy them, please tell your friends. Cheers all! (^^)/
The Kameoka Diaries: Volume Two:
iBookstore Version (for iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) [ CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW ]
DRM-free PDF (For Android/PC/Mac/Whatever) [ CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW ]
Other digital comics by me:
The Kameoka Diaries: Volume One
iBookstore Version (for iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) [ CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW ]
DRM-free PDF (For Android/PC/Mac/Whatever) [ CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW ]
Young Men of a Certain Mind
iBookstore Version (for iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) [ CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW ]