Kameoka Diaries #9 — Sickness

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The Kameoka Diaries: Volume One ( collecting parts 1-8 )
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The Kameoka Diaries: Volume Two ( collecting parts 9-16 )
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It’s been like five and a half months since I last posted Kameoka Diaries comics on this site,  so I figured it was high time that I did so. So without further ado, here’s part 9:


That’s it for now! I’ll probably put the next part up in about a month. Feel free to subscribe to me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter as I’ll announce any new comics there.

Until next time! (^^)/

The Kameoka Diaries: Volume One ( collecting chapters 1-8 )
 iBookstore Version (for iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) [ CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW ]
DRM-free PDF (For Android/PC/Mac/Whatever) [ CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW ]

The Kameoka Diaries: Volume Two ( collecting chapters 9-16 )
iBookstore Version (for iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) [ CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW ]
DRM-free PDF (For Android/PC/Mac/Whatever) [ CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW ]

Young Men of a Certain Mind
 iBookstore Version (for iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) [ CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW ]

  • Victor Edison

    I can’t remember if it was the SARS scare or what, but a few years ago our company mandated that all English teachers working in Elementary schools wear a mask whither they were sick or not. This caused quite a stir due to a few teachers who refused to accept what they thought was a ‘meaningless and downright superstitiously ignorant custom.’ Fortunately, this scare was so big that all the stores were sold out of masks and push never came to shove.

    Ah… “cultural differences”

  • Arik

    Motto Asutomari to Mezec!

    Honto Ni!