Tonoharu: Part Two

Tonoharu: Part Two–Available NOW!

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(High resolution version of cover available here)

Book Details

5.25″x8.5″, 160 pages, Two-color.
Hardcover w/ full-color dust jacket w/ gold highlights.
ISBN Number: 978-0-9801023-3-8
Publisher: Pliant Press
Distributor: Top Shelf Productions / Diamond Distribution
Cover Price: $19.95
Available: November 2010

Back Cover Copy

As the months go by, Dan Wells settles into his life as an assistant junior high school teacher in the rural Japanese village of Tōnoharu.

Isolated from those around him by language and cultural barriers, he leads a solitary existence, until the day an unrequited crush extends him a dinner invitation.

What follows shakes up Dan’s quiet life and expands his social circle into unexpected quarters. But do these new associates exert an influence that is beneficial, or detrimental?

Links to Sample Artwork

Festival Scene
City Scenes
Party Scene
“Action” Scenes

Odds and Ends (1/2)
Odds and Ends (2/2)

Request from the author

It’s been more than two years since Tonoharu: Part One came out, so it’s probably fallen off most people’s radars. So if you know anyone who might be interested in the forthcoming release of the second book, please share this page with them. Many thanks!

  • Waltlanta

    Just finished Part I (I can’t remember how I even discovered your work a couple of weeks ago, but I’m glad I have). Part I was brilliant and has me eager for Part II.

  • Lars Martinson

    Thanks! Hope you like the second book as well!


  • Jan Hicks

    My husband bought me your books. I read part one in one sitting last night, and started on part two this morning – only stopped because I had to go to work! I love the details in each scene, and the sense that Dan is a tolerated curiosity among his Japanese colleagues and students. I also like the use of Japanese language – although I speak a little Japanese, like Dan it’s mostly “Tenki ha ii desune”, so having characters speak Japanese in the background brings home how difficult it is to penetrate Japanese life. Can’t wait for part three!

  • David Boys

    Dear Mr. Martinson, I am interested in ordering both Tonoharu: Part ONE/Two
    and Young Men of a Certain Mind as a B-gift for my 37 Y-Old son who love Japanese animation and the Japanese culture but your web site does not have a single link to order all at ONE TIME… or did I miss that option…. Let me know if I have to order individually??

  • Lars Martinson

    Hello Mr. Boys:
    Sorry about that; I’ve been meaning to add an shopping cart option but never got around to it… :-/
    Anyway, I sent you an e-mail regarding all this, so please look out for it!