Tonoharu Review in JQ Magazine!

jet-logo-boxI try to update this blog every Monday, but missed the past two weeks. Sorry about that! Let’s call it Christmas Break.

For now I’m still trying to get over my post-holiday daze. So this week’s entry is a link to JQ’s review of the Tonoharu trilogy:

I’ll try to update weekly again from here on out (hopefully)!

What Visual Novels & Indie Comics Can Learn From Each Other

[ Direct YouTube Link ]

In this video I discuss why Japanese visual novels and American indie comics could benefit from a bit of international cross-pollination.

Other videos by me: The Grandfather Paradox–A Visual Short Story:
4 Time-Saving Tips (from a guy who spent 13 YEARS drawing a comic):

Please let me know what you think, either in the comment section or on Twitter:

“Tonoharu: Part Three” Reviewed for Slate!


The conclusion of Tonoharu represents the end of a labor of love, a signature work in the past decade of comics, and a touching and satisfying reading experience.
–Dan Kois
Slate Book Editor

Read the full review here:

Thanks to Dan for the coverage!

Also, I did some illustration work for Slate this month. In addition to the header image above, I also provided illustrations for the following articles:


[ Direct YouTube Link ]

Here’s a little webcomic/slideshow thing I made and posted to YouTube a while back. I never posted it to this website so I figured may as well!

This was *supposed* to be something you’d view on a website, clicking through the text as fast or as slow as you prefer. But I could never get it to work smoothly. Just don’t have the technical chops yet! Oh well.

“Tonoharu: Part Three” review in the Star Tribune!


The last sentence of this review made me laugh

“…You’ll be enthralled. [Lars] makes a simple panel showing two characters in a cafe feel astounding. It’s like watching a big-budget action movie, except they’re just staring at each other.”
–Tom Horgen’s review of Tonoharu: Part Three for the Star Tribune!

Full review here:
(Click on the “Graphic Novel” tab and then class on Tonoharu: Part Three‘s cover!)

“Tonoharu: Part Three”–Now Available on Amazon!


Whoops, this week just completely slipped through my fingers, so I’m writing this week’s blog entry at the eleventh hour.

As such, I don’t really have time to write something ambitious, ha-ha. So I thought I’d take this opportunity to mention Tonoharu: Part Three is now available on Amazon! So if that’s your preferred vendor, you can grab it there:

(And of course, I’m still selling signed copies in my store.)

Okay! Hopefully something a bit more significant next week!