Mad Libs-esque Pringles Flavor

Pringles is always releasing new flavors in Japan. It seems like every month a couple flavors are added and a couple others are retired.

I guess it must be hard coming up with new concepts or whatever, but Old American Circus: Funky Mustard? What the hell does that even mean?

My guess is that they had a hat filled with adjectives, nouns, & flavors, and just pulled random words from it.

“Old American Circus: Funky Mustard”… What a world.

Mario “Collectable”

One of my favorite stores in Japan is called Village Vanguard. It’s a weird and yet somehow harmonious mix of alternative book store and raunchy mall gift shop.

When I went there the other day, I ran across the above product, which is basically one of those parachuting army men toys, only Mario branded.

If you look closely, it’s a kid’s meal toy from Wendy’s.

Mario is owned by Nintendo, which is of course a Japanese company, so I find it funny that they’re importing Mario products from other countries (and crappy Mario products at that). For the kitsch value, I guess? Apparently kitsch value is pretty high, because they’re trying to sell these pieces of garbage for 714 yen, or like $7.50. Yikes!

Though it is vintage; the copyright says 2004, which means that these have been sitting around in a warehouse somewhere for like five years. I wonder what weird distribution network eventually led these to a trendy Japanese chain.

Dadaist Japanese Commercial

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Above is a Japanese ad from the 80s. At the end it says “World Fashion Creator Renown”, so I guess it’s an ad for a clothing manufacturer, maybe? I’m not really sure.

I wish I could have been at the meeting where the advertising agency pitched this ad to the company. What did they say? “Studies show that consumers love ‘bat-shit crazy’. The ‘bat-shit crazier’, the better!”

This clip was brought to my attention by an old friend, who conducts his (or her!) interneting under the alias “vogdoid”. Thanks, “v”!

Japanese Snack Review: Mayo Squid Chips

Product Name: Mayoi-ka
Manufacturer: Yamaei
Retail Price: 105 yen (approx. USD$1)

Certain flavors just go together. Peanut butter & jelly, sour cream & chives, coffee & doughnuts… and now thanks to Japanese snack manufacturer Yamaei, we can add a new combination to the pantheon: squid & mayonnaise.

How could no one have thought of it before? The marketing campaign practically writes itself, a la those old Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup ads. “Hey, you got squid on my mayonnaise!” “Hey, you got mayonnaise on my squid!” American snack manufacturers, snap this one up before it’s too late.

The packaging, as shown above, is pretty ho-hum, with the exception of the bitchin’ illustration:

It should be noted that unlike in the U.S.A., where mayonnaise usually comes in jars, in Japan it comes in skinny plastic bottles like this:

This is fortunate for the illustration, because you couldn’t really have a squid riding a rocket-powered mayonnaise jar. That would just be stupid. The aerodynamics would be all off.

I was expecting the worst, but really they weren’t all that bad. They just had a mild mayonnaise flavor, actually; I couldn’t really detect any hint of squid (though it did smell just a little fishy). If fried mayonnaise chips sound good to you, then this is your product. If not, then… what’s wrong with you? Who wouldn’t want to eat fried mayonnaise chips?

Guilty Pleasure: Let’s Play!

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Okay, it’s impossible for me to write this entry in a way that doesn’t make me sound like a total nerd, but oh well. I’m an overweight cartoonist/blogger, so I guess there wasn’t much chance of someone mistaking me for Steve McQueen anyway.


Some of the stages of my process for creating a comic, such as writing & penciling, require a great deal of mental focus, and are best done in silence. But other stages, like inking and computer stuff, are pretty mindless. For those parts, I usually listen to music, audio books, and podcasts to pass the time.

Certain videos and tv shows also work. You can often get the gist by just listening to the audio and looking up every once in a while for any visual jokes that pop up. I often listen to The Daily Show in this way, for example.

Hands down the nerdiest thing I listen to while I work are “Let’s Play”s, or “LPs”, which are internet videos of people playing video games. There are a surprising number of people that do these, for all sorts of games. Since I listen rather than watch, I prefer ones where the player provides running commentary as they play, and like games that have a story to them; I gravitate towards the old Sierra adventure games of the 80s and 90s.

My two favorite LPers go by the names of hercrabbiness and LateBlt (a video of the latter heads this entry). They appear to be friends, and often provide guest commentary on each other’s videos, with amusing bickering throughout.

Nostalgia probably plays a role in why I enjoy these, since I played Sierra games as a kid. And as I say, I don’t really “watch” them, just have them on in the background while I work; they may not be worth devoting one’s full attention to…

But for all my backpedaling, I really do enjoy them, as the fact that I devoted a blog entry to them would attest. I’m curious if other people would find these entertaining, or if it’s just me. Leave a comment with your impressions.

Also, if anyone has any suggestions for other videos/podcasts/audio that would make for good listening while working, I’m “all ears” (*cough*).